To book:

For members, please book every class via the link: https://member.clubware.com.au/ArrudaBJJEdwardstown/TimeTable

For all casual visitors/new starters - please email arrudateam1@gmail.com to book in your class

What do I need to bring to my first BJJ session?

If you are coming to try a BJJ class and don’t have a Gi, wear tracksuit pants or shorts and a t-shirt. Make sure you bring a LARGE bottle of water and a towel. Be sure to arrive 30 minutes early so we can meet you, prepare you and show you through our gym.

What can I expect from my first BJJ session?

Like any new thing, your first lesson can be a bit daunting! Don’t worry, we will make sure that you receive plenty of guidance so that you feel comfortable and are able to complete the routines and techniques. Usually, this means we will partner you up with someone with a bit more experience who will help you and “show you the ropes”.
Our classes generally follow this structure:

1. Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of BJJ-centric exercises that are designed to develop BJJ ability and fitness.

2. Drills & Exercises: 30-60 minutes of technical drills and training to improve your BJJ.

3. Rolling: 45-60 minutes of putting the techniques in to practice by rolling (wrestling/fighting) with a partner.

Will I get hurt?

As with any sport, there is always a small chance of injury however, serious injuries are VERY RARE. Arruda Team takes the well being of our students very seriously. If we observe dangerous practice we will immediately intervene.

Can women also practice BJJ?

Absolutely! The core principle of BJJ is that a smaller opponent can defeat a larger opponent through the use of technique. Because of this principle, BJJ is highly suited to women and is enjoying growing popularity both as a sport and as self defence.

I’m 54, am I too old for BJJ?

Not at all! BJJ is an excellent way to get fitter and stronger and age is no barrier. BJJ is unique among martial arts in that you can dictate the intensity of your training. If you want to train hard, you can and if you feel like you need to ease off, you can too! Either way you will see a huge improvement in your fitness and well being.

My child wants to try BJJ, how old do they have to be to start?

There is no “minimum” age but the student should be able to follow instructions / direction from our instructors. As a guideline, we find that kids between 5-6 years old are “capable” and kids that are 7-8 years old are “ready”. As always, please speak to us so we can understand your needs as this is often a case by case basis.

I’m overweight/unfit - can I still train?

Absolutely! All our training options are an excellent way to increase your fitness and develop a great, healthy body in a supportive environment.

What facilities does the gym have?

Arruda Team is proud to be able to offer fantastic facilities in a central location. We have a large mat area totalling over 200 square meters.
We have a separate gym area offering free weights, machines, bags and mirrors. Separate change rooms. Large bathroom and shower facilities.
Fridge with water and energy/recovery drinks. Sitting areas. Access to fightwear and equipment through our partnership with Synergy Fight Shop. Ample parking.

What is club etiquette?

We are a reasonably casual gym but we do observe some formalities:

1. We never wear any footwear on the mats.

2. As a sign of respect, we bow to our instructor when entering/leaving the mats.

3. We always wear shoes / flip flops when off the mats.

4. We expect that our students are respectful to our instructors and of each other.

I have someone who would like to come and watch BJJ - is this allowed?

Of course! Better still, they can join us on the mats and experience it for them self with a free trial session!

It is still very important that the person coming to watch still signs in, so we are able to temperature check and collect contact details as per COVID regulations.

Can I suspend/pause my membership on Direct Debit?

We don't require advanced notice or charge a fee but what we do is for members who wish to suspend/pause their membership is to contact us via email arrudateam1@gmail.com - stating who you are and that you wish to pause/suspend with a brief explanation. It's important to know what debit dates are - please contact us if you are not sure.

Once you are ready to resume your direct debit, contact us before attending your first class back.

Do you offer a free trial? What if my partner or other child wants to try?

We sure do! And everyone is welcome to try! Please email arrudateam1@gmail.com.  Please don't just show up without booking if especially it’s your first lesson.

I can't book or register via the booking link - help!

No problem! Please email us at arrudateam1@gmail.com. It is extremely important to book via email if you are a casual or new starter. We’ll send you all the info you need and book you in for your session!

What do I wear for my class?

BJJ:  BJJ Gi and rashguard. Surf rashie and compression top is fine. Workout top is not

No Gi: Rashguard and Shorts with no pockets and zips.

Muay Thai/FIT/Hot Yoga & Pilates: T-shirt, Shorts, Activewear (men must wear shorts over tights) or general workout wear

I don't have BJJ Gi/No Gi attire…

We have uniforms for hire. Please come early before class to get fitted out, at least 30 mins before hand.

What is FIT class? Is it the same as CrossFit?

No, it’s not the same at CrossFit! Arruda FIT class is a short, sharp and sweet functional based training session run by our expert trainers.

This high interval intensity training (HIIT) session involves the use of body weight exercises, machines, weight training, cardio machines, free weights, ropes and kettle bells.

We have women and men of all ages and fitness levels in our classes - everyone training helps to encourage one another!

Anyone is able to train, no matter how unfit or out of practice you are! Our trainers will always help to make you feel comfortable and coach you to help prevent injuries by ensuring proper exercise technique and safety. It’s always important to let your trainer know of any limitations you may have so they can offer alternative movements.